Community Healing Prayer Service

Community Healing Prayer Service
A Multi-Faith Celebration of Healing and Wholeness on Second Saturdays
Prospect Congregational, 1919 E Prospect, at 3:00pm

May theme: Speaking Our Truth

This service is especially for folks who are in need of healing from physical or mental illness, and for those providing care to others. If you are, or someone you care for is, touching in some way by mental illness, homelessness, addiction, trauma/PTSD, unemployment or underemployment, acute or chronic illness, social oppression, issues of aging, bereavement, grief, or anything else that gets in the way of living life to the fullest, then this service is for you.

Musicians and artists are invited to share their gifts with us. If you would like to accompany, play a solo, read a poem, or offer another type, contact Katie (206-312-9581).